Today 19th of Dec 2024
Precipitation in the evening and overnight
A cold front will reach the Alps and cross South Tyrol the following night.
The weather
In the afternoon the sky will be very cloudy with some local precipitation. In the following night, rain and snowfall will be more widespread. The snow line will initially be around 1,000 m, in the night with the transit of the front it will drop to around 600 m. Temperatures falling with maximums between 2° and 6°.
Mountain weather
The cloudiness will be intense and in the course of the afternoon it will begin to snow. Widespread snow showers, sometimes of heavy intensity, will be possible in the night.
Tomorrow 20th of Dec 2024
Strong north wind
Very strong northerly currents will favour the presence of Föhn on the southern slopes of the Alps.
The weather
Initially the sky will still be cloudy. In the course of the day there will be some clearing up starting in the south. On the border ridge and in the Puster Valley the sky will remain cloudy for longer. In the valleys there will be strong or, in places, very strong winds from the north. Maximum temperatures between 0° and 10°.
Mountain weather
In the mountains, the wind will be strong or very strong. Initially there will still be some residual light snowfall especially on the border ridge. In the south there will be clearing.
The next days
Variable in the north, Föhn in the south:
On Saturday, the weather will be sunny, except for more substantial clouds over the border ridge. Diminishing winds.
On Sunday, cloudiness will tend to increase with some snowfall in the north, especially in the evening. On the southern sectors, precipitation will be generally absent.
On Monday, another front will arrive from the north. In the south, the weather will be fairly sunny with foehn in the valleys.
Snowfall will persist in the north on Tuesday, while in the south the weather will be fairly sunny with windy weather.